Saturday 26 November 2011

Improving literacy builds confidence.

Have you ever got application forms for jobs and found your never filled them in?  Are you in a dead end job because you think you are not intelligent enough for anything else.

People who are not confident in their reading, writing and comprehension skills are held back by their perception of themselves.   Sitting with a tutor or coach while they read or ensure they have understood a piece of work is a real confidence boost.  Having someone encourage you sharing learning strategies with you are a huge boost to confidence and can help you make leaps and bounds in achieving personal goals.

The challenge is to cut through the stigma and shame of feeling inadequate.  If you need help ask for it. It is often good to approach a professional or an experienced teacher for this as they will not judge you and affirm your strengths and highlight areas for improvement. 
A person who knows they have dyslexia and embraces it is far more productive and successful than someone who has it and tries to hide it.  A person who seems highly successful to you has strategies they use to help them to achieve things.  We all have strengths, areas for improvement and things that are just plain difficult.  It is useful to know what all of these are so you know you know what areas you should get help in and spend time improving your strengths.

If you need one to one help with literacy please contact me on