Thursday 28 October 2010

What is self-confidence?

Self confidence is that unshakeable belief that whatever you set out to achieve you will.  You believe this even when the people around you think its risky.  Moreover you achieve what you said you would in a timely manner.  Your achievements are gained with the minimum amount of fuss or fanfare because you are operating in your gifts and talents.

You are driven, lively, enthusiastic with purpose and a goal to achieve.  You are not afraid to move forward even though the way ahead is not clear or straightforward.  You take time for yourself fulfilling your spiritual and emotional needs in a way that is nuturing and non destructive.
This is true self confidence.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Do you know who you have around you?

Many of us start things we don't finish for one reason or another.  If it is something that we are meant to do the non - completion haunts us.
I am completing my PGCE in Lifelong nearly 10 years after doing the full time course.    The reason why I have been so successful this time is because the course really compliments my teaching and it provides the tools to support me in trying new things and I am surrounded by the most supportive classmates, lecturers and tutors.
Up until last week I was feeling overwhelmed by the amount work I had to do.  I only had very short windows of time to do my coursework and planning for my teaching.  Just talking about it drove me to tears.  But I was not suffering without any support. 
I have a beautiful work colleague and friend who offered to help me with some research and she directed me to my mentor.  My mentor is a long standing friend, colleague and near enough family member.  She reassured me that what I have to achieve is possible if I consistently do my planning in the two one hour slots I had available. 
Just having my mentor say it was possible freed my mind.  I didn't do anything that immediate weekend but the following week was more positive and productive.  I managed to plan my lessons to a level that I was pleased with and I managed to do two lesson evaluations.  I also planned my "catch - up" planning for this half term and I have looked at research for my assignment. 
I feel free and my creativity has again been unleashed.

Who are the mentors and the positive enablers in your life?  Identify them and therein lies the key to achieving your goals.
Let me put this is Coach speak.

Limited belief = can’t do so much work in so little time
Met with mentor = your impossible is possible if you are consistent.

Tom Preston (2009) describes the benefits of coaching as:
·        improved performance
·        effectively manage change and enhances prospects
         of survival
·        the creation and  nurturing of people with a drive to succeed.

Preston, T (2009) Coach yourself to success Management Books 2000 Ltd